4 Natural Acidic Exterminator


4 Natural Acidic Exterminator


There are various ways to deal with stubborn acne. In addition to anti-acne products commonly found in cosmetics stores, you can try a homemade natural treatments are more secure, environmentally friendly and certainly easy to obtain. There are four natural ingredients that are believed to effectively kill this uninvited guest on this one. Anything? Orange Skin Citrus fruit such as oranges and lemons have the ability to remove dirt and residue from the skin. Juice is the most effective ingredient against acne and overcome other skin problems. For stubborn acne, you can use the skin. Pound the orange peel until smooth, then mix a little water to form like pasta. Apply the orange peel paste to the acne-prone area, leave for about 10-15 minutes, then rinse.2. CucumberCucumber is a natural anti-oxidant that is able to overcome acne. In addition, cucumbers also provide a soothing effect and calm the inflamed acne. Grate fine cucumber, then paste on the acne and areas that blackheads. Let stand for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.


3. HoneySince centuries ago, honey has been known as a natural ingredient that is able to overcome various skin problems, including acne. To get rid of stubborn pimples, drip honey pure into a cotton bud, then apply on the acne, let stand about 10-15 minutes, and rinse. Do this everyday until the acne dries and disappears.4. PapayaPepaya has a high vitamin C content that serves as an antioxidant. Blend papaya until smooth, then apply to blackheads and inflamed pimples, leave for 20 minutes and rinse with clean water. As a result, the inflammation will decrease, as well as smoother and luminous facial complexion. (kik / kik)



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